Written by Harris Georgiou
Thursday, 10 September 2009 09:25 |
- Coordinator of the Greek ICT4D team for various disaster relief projects, contacts with NGOs and volunteering teams for many years.
- Operational deployment of Emergency Response Center (EOC) platforms, “Sahana4Greece” (Oct.2015+) and “Prometheus” (Feb.2016+), for the coordination & logistical support of NGOs and volunteering teams, operating in the first-reception islands for handling the refugee influx.
- Data analytics and predictive modeling of refugee influx analysis in the eastern (Greece-Turkey) and the central (Libya-Italy) Mediterranean Sea passages (Mar.2016+).
- Development of early-warning/alerting system for short-term refugee influx forecasting, in order to enhance the EOC platforms functionality and help the search-and-rescue operations at sea (Mar.2016+).
Field deployments:
- Field deployment (individual volunteer) as member of the Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT) in Lesvos island, certified diver/rescue/first-responder (EFR/RTI/paediatric), working with independent volunteers on refugee reception, first-aid medical & psychological assistance and logistical support (Mar.2016).
- Field deployment (individual volunteer) as member of the Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT) in the refugee camp at the port of Piraeus hosting up to 7.000+ refugees, certified diver/rescue/first-responder (EFR/RTI/paediatric), working on first-aid medical & psychological assistance at the medical hub in day/night shifts (Mar-Jul.2016).
Last Updated on Thursday, 01 September 2016 07:52 |