Feb 10
  • UCI repository

    Huge benchmark dataset listing from the UCI Machine Learning repository.

  • PEIPA databases

    Huge listing of benchmark image databases from the Pilot European Image Processing Archive (PEIPA).

  • DDSM database

    Download the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) from the University of South Florida, USA.

  • ELENA datasets

    ELENA benchmark datasets for Machine Learning.

  • Clustering datasets

    Various clustering benchmark datasets from the Speech and Image Processing Unit, Univ. of Joensuu, Finland.

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Experimental Programs PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 27 September 2009 19:16

WARNING: The author does not guarantee the correctness or completeness of material in the code sources, documents and supporting data provided here. Neither he nor any other party (whether or not involved in producing, maintaining or delivering this material), shall be liability or responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may result to you or a third party as a result of your or their use of them. Please keep in mind that several of these pacakges are almost two decades old and and there is no way to validate their proper behavior today...


List of available packages

(under construction)


Acknowledgement: Several of these works are the result of collaborative effort with many good friends and co-workers throughout the years. The author wishes to express his very best gratitude to all the people he has worked with, in countless hours of sleepless writing, coding, and debugging. Every name and original affiliation has been preserved (of course) as-is in all the corresponding material.

Creative Commons License EU Public License
All the documents and related material by Harris Georgiou are licensed, in parts and as a whole, under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. All the code sources and related material by Harris Georgiou are licensed, in parts and as a whole, under a EU Public License.

Last Updated on Sunday, 20 December 2009 07:33