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Planned Work PDF Print E-mail
Written by Harris Georgiou   
Sunday, 04 October 2009 11:59

November 2015

Well-into the new semester, starting the core work with the new R&D project, finishing postponed publications.

October 2015

Start of the new academic season, preparing presentations, lectures and some postponed publications.

September 2015

New semester starts, preparing for kick-off meetings and assessing lectures material for new season.

August 2015

Time for some R&R now, updating bibliography library, some non-technical reading, volunteer work.

July 2015

Many new publications on the way, preparing new works for next semester, updating scuba/rescue certs.

June 2015

End of spring semester, projects wrap-up, time to organize new plans and some time off for brain reset.

May 2015

Spring semester is nearly over, time for work wrap-up, publishing a few drafts and maybe some early scuba diving.

Apr 2015

Great opportunities and new ideas for innovative ICT4D projects with enthusiastic colleagues and students.

Mar 2015

New projects and publications prepared for the next few months, plus fMRI code wrap-up for final publishing.

Feb 2015

The fMRI project is just about finished, final revisions/publications, planning next endeavours and ideas.

Jan 2015

Happy new year! Wrapping up the fMRI project and conclusive work, final publications, preparing next academic semester.

Dec 2014

Holiday season, some downtime scheduled, wrapping up the fMRI work and publications, planning for some scuba dive.

Nov 2014

Preparing new material for a 2-part crash course on Gamification, multi-tasking for finishing up other publications.

Oct 2014

In full working mode now, new projects and lectures for the new season, plus complete training schedule for running/cycling.

Sept 2014

Training in living with 40C+ degrees in summer Athens, contacts for new projects and work next season, making new plans.

August 2014

Some time off at last, putting some more hours underwater, plus several ideas for new side-projects and collaborations.

July 2014

Time for wrap-up, review workplans and plan for some time off, preparing season backups, refreshing EFR/BLS and OWD training courses.

June 2014

Summer in Greece is finally here, final exams and courseworks wrap-up for the semester, more deadlines for works-in-progress and publications.

May 2014

Autumn semester coming to an end, many exams and courseworks scheduled for this month, plus several more deadlines for upcoming own publications.

April 2014

Getting closer to multiple deadlines, work pilling up fast, i7 machine running almost constantly in full-24h now with experiments and data analysis.

March 2014

Coding, experiments, preparing new lecture material, coding, some publications are already under way, coding, experiments, coding, coding, more coding...

February 2014

New semester is on, many presentations and courseworks to prepare for the new lectures, hopefully some cutting-edge postdoc publications too.

January 2014

Happy new year! At last, some time to cool off the pressure, do some non-work reading, run some extra km mid-week!

December 2013

End of the year, some time for brief holidays, wrap-up of work and plans, maybe some underwater scuba yoga to cool off.

November 2013

Planning for full-schedule book writing, along with the main work with fMRI and sparse modeling, plus finishing up the material for all lecture modules.

October 2013

Winter semester is now fully under way, teaching period starts with many new planned lectures and material, plus a few low-priority articles for publication.

September 2013

Summer wrap-up, time to gear up for the starting season, many contacts and schedules to make, still some time for some diving expeditions for a few days.

August 2013

Summer phase in officially on, time to reschedule all the remaining work for a little later, say, a month. Getting into wetsuit for dive-dive-dive mode.

July 2013

Some time off, plenty of time for focused coding on high-end machine learning projects, plus reviewing latest topic papers and proceedings.

June 2013

Daily schedule is relaxed enough so that I can plan in-depth work for my post-doc and of course some time for underwater "work" too.

May 2013

Summer semester is almost over, many projects and lectures finish, time to wrap up the schedules and plan for some time off.

April 2013

Some time off this month, hopefully I will have the chance to get in sync with schedule and spend some time underwater.

March 2013

The summer semester is well under way, taking time to plan some publications that have been on hold for a long time, reorganizing work with colleagues.

February 2013

Major start-up tasks with new research endeavors in several topics, huge workload but at last on-track again with cutting-edge material after a year or so.

January 2013

Happy new year to all! Many new things are beginning this month, including cutting-edge research in EEG and fMRI, with many old (and new) colleagues.

December 2012

The year is closing, most of the work schedule is by now well under way, hopefully things will starts to calm down a bit and get into that Christmas spirit!

November 2012

Hopefully by this month, two brand new books of mine will be out in the shops, wide a wide range of material for image analysis, medical imaging and pattern recognition.

October 2012

New academic semester is officially under way, many research projects active, heavy task scheduling. It seems that I finally need some sort of a secretary.

September 2012

Preparing for the new season, lots of project start-ups, lectures material, planning for paper submissions and revisions, lots and lots of multi-tasking.

August 2012

Slow month, mostly underwater(!), some office maintenance and computer service/upgrades, plus an ambitious schedule for a new book publication.

July 2012

Reorganizing work and postponed tasks before some time off, planning the next projects and paper publications, preparing season backups.

June 2012

At last some time off, more relaxed schedule, a chance to review some low-priority tasks, rescue/first-aid training courses, paper publications.

May 2012

End of the spring semester, end of the academic season, exams period, a conference paper to present in a medical conference, full schedule.

April 2012

Easter holidays period is coming up, lots of planning and postponed tasks to work with, plus some time for freezing-cold winter dive.

March 2012

First weeks of the spring semester full of work and scheduling tasks, plus getting deep into Matlab coding again for some low-level cardiac signal processing.

February 2012

End of winter semester, several lectures and modules to prepare for the next semester, plus new upcoming research projects and papers planning.

January 2012

The first weeks of the new year are here, lots of work planning, but also a few days off to find myself underwater in the most freezing period of the year.

December 2011

Christmas period is way under way, lots of deadlines coming up, several projects to plan for the next year, hopefully all will be met in time before some off-time.

November 2011

A fresh new academic season is well under way, lots of semester courseworks, exams and lecture notes to be prepared before the works starts to pile up.

October 2011

Academic season is well under way by now, lots of lectures and material to prepare, plus full homepage migration and some traveling plans.

September 2011

Since this year's summer time got overflown by special works and some medical emergencies too, hopefully this month will be ideal for some deep scuba dives to cool my head off.

August 2011

Some time off, a few days of rest and sea treatment, no major work planned for this month except a book project in medical imaging, hopefully I will complete it in time.

July 2011

Finally the academic year is over, some time available for various side-projects, review old ones that are have been on hold for months, and of course the beginning of regular scuba dives.

June 2011

End of academic season, things seem to relax a bit, time to take out some of the low-priority works out of the box and start working on them, including two book plans, two new papers and huge code re-engineering.

May 2011

Spring semester is almost over, wrapping up lectures and assignments for final markings, preparing several side-projects and participating with publications in medical conferences.

April 2011

Easter break is at the end of the month, time to wrap up some work and some time off to organize things, prepare for the last weeks of the spring semester.

March 2011

The spring semester is well under way, many important call-for-papers deadlines this month, hopefully will manage 1-2 of them - Plus a (much delayed) winter dive!

February 2011

The winter academic semester end, the spring semester begins. Many call-for-papers for conferences and workshops, plus a new book plan for hypergame analysis.

January 2011

A new year is beginning, many deadlines are passing and others are coming, definitely the time for a winter scuba dive a.s.a.p.

December 2010

The year is almost out, wrapping up the scheduled work and planning for a few winter scuba dives, resetting for the tough year ahead.

November 2010

One post-doc and two project proposals underway, plus a few technical papers on social game theory and a book plan. And, of course, preparing all the material for this year's lectures.

October 2010

Season is officially on, too much paperwork and material to prepare, a few conferences to look up and a brand new mini-site for lectures to finish.

September 2010

Looks like the semester will start very early this year. More than 2000 recent papers to go through, more than 3 major projects running, plus preparation for this year's teaching courses, with new material and presentations.

August 2010

Preparing material for three major projects this year, plus some reading and updates for next season's lectures. More than 1000 selected papers from the past 6 months must be reviewed and categorized before September.

July 2010

Dry season starts in Athens, expecting over 40 degrees daily this summer, I am planning to make frequent 2-3 days breaks for scuba dives between work.

June 2010

Normal 'championship' season is over, time for post-mortem work and scheduling of side-projects, between scuba dives!

May 2010

Tones of exam papers, projects and courseworks to mark, plus a few more submission deadlines for papers. Wrapping up the final major works of the academic semester.

April 2010

I realized that getting rid of the 'red' items, the most urgent ones, from the to-do list is nearly impossible. I must find time to organize and write down several ideas than are now floating around the office as sticky notes.

March 2010

A few more research proposals and paper submissions are planned for this month, hopefully another winter scuba dive during the Easter holidays. I promised myself I will make time for some H-FOSS work too.

February 2010

I hope typical obligations, lecture material, exam papers and all will be finished by now and I'll be able to focus more on the running projects, as well as several new papers and publications.

January 2010

Happy new year, good health and good kick-off start to all. Before I get pretty much under the paperwork, I'll be underwater for several days, taking photos and enjoying the exceptionally warm winter this year.

December 2009

Many deadlines before the end of the year, mostly proposals and paper submissions. Results from new experiments should already be analyzed by early this month, in order to devote most of the time to writing. But this is Christmas time! It's time to give myself a present: deep-winter scuba diving and more underwater photos.

November 2009

Another proposal is planned for preparation early on this month. Significant work is expected with the new custom-made Adaboost package (Matlab), plus new experiments, results and detailed comments for supplementary material, also scheduled for publication this month.

October 2009

The season has really started for good. Already submitted two research proposals, preparing a third one with colleagues, preparing my MSc and BSc courses for this year, working on my very own custom-made Adaboost package in Matlab, trying to finish my website, trying to schudle some time for proper sleep...

September 2009

Getting my hands really dirty with the new Joomla template for my website, editing modules, installing new components, preparing texts and images. I have to finish this before the real work starts in a few weeks.

August 2009

Time for a few days of relaxation and scuba diving. Hope I can get some more underwater photos for my desktop.

July 2009

Working on the new Joomla homepage, very interesting new features and great documentation.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 October 2015 13:35