Feb 10

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October 2015
Start of the new academic season, preparing presentations, lectures and some postponed publications.More


November 2015
Well-into the new semester, starting the core work with the new R&D project, finishing postponed publications.More

February 2025

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About Me

About Me

Who am I ?
Informatics Systems Engineer (BSc, MSc), Machine Learning & Medical Imaging researcher (PhD), working professionally as IS/IT and R&D consultant, academic teacher in the private sector, part-time software developer, full-year scuba diver and underwater photographer.

Warning: This website is just another typical personal homepage, with lots of boring stuff about my interests and work. I tried my best to make it a useful portal for students and colleagues with similar interests, but don't stay long if you start feeling a headache.

Recent Blog

  • Scientific blogging: Is it worth it?
    Web 2.0 technologies have enabled the merging of different types of publications into one, the Internet, with millions of authors and billions of readers. Science is not an exception. Countless articles are presented in the...
  • Remote office on demand via web 2.0
    Ok, let’s say you left home this morning for an important meeting and, when you got there, you discovered that you have left the presentation file and the whole USB stick plugged on the PC...
  • Reviving old hardware with Linux
    A few months ago I decided it was time to replace my old laptop. It is an Acer Aspire 1302 series, with AMD AthlonXP @ 1.6 GHz, 512 MB RAM and 20 GB hard disk....
fMRI-Sparse toolbox for Matlab
Written by Harris Georgiou   
Saturday, 22 June 2013 00:00

The ASSURANCE project is about developing new state-of-the-art algorithms for sparsity-aware distributed models, mainly for Machine Learning in fMRI data decomposition/analysis and in telecommunications.

ASSURRANCE project is about developing new state-of-the-art algorithms for sparsity-aware distributed models, mainly for Machine Learning in fMRI data decomposition/analysis and in telecommunications.

There are several currently running code and data development side-projects linked with the main ASSURANCE project. These are some of the resources I have personally developed and can publish here as-is (read the licensing info included).

fMRI-Sparse toolbox is a minimalistic collection of low-level data handling (matrix) functions for fMRI processing, block-based & event-based test pattern series, as well as "realistic" simulated fMRI data series for algorithm benchmarking, template scripts for various fMRI decomposition methods (GLM, PCA, ICA, BP, KSVD, ...), analysis of components & activation maps, etc. Since the toolbox can be used as a benchmarking suite, several data generators are included for creating fully-identifiable fMRI-like data series.

The main implementation platform is Matlab, currently using toolboxes from versions 8.0+ (releases R2012b and above), e.g. the Basis Pursuit algorithms from Wavelet Toolbox. However, with some small conversions in the source codes, the main functions should be fully runnable with other Matlab-compatible platforms like Octave (GNU). Also, there are some external codes and toolboxes required to run some methods (e.g. fastICA), which too can be substituted by other similar packages if necessary.

Please note that these resources are under continuous development and updates (beta versions), so some features may not yet be fully implemented or stable.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 September 2013 19:40
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