Optimal Testing Strategies for Infectious Diseases - H. Georgiou
Mobility Analytics and COVID-19 in Greece - H. Georgiou, C. Theodoridis, Y. Theodoridis
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October 2015
Start of the new academic season, preparing presentations, lectures and some postponed publications.More
November 2015
Well-into the new semester, starting the core work with the new R&D project, finishing postponed publications.More
IMPORTANT: If I'm DEFCON 2 and above, please do not disturb, unless we're in war!
Who am I ?
Informatics Systems Engineer (BSc, MSc), Machine Learning & Medical Imaging researcher (PhD), working professionally as IS/IT and R&D consultant, academic teacher in the private sector, part-time software developer, full-year scuba diver and underwater photographer.
Warning: This website is just another typical personal homepage, with lots of boring stuff about my interests and work. I tried my best to make it a useful portal for students and colleagues with similar interests, but don't stay long if you start feeling a headache.
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Lurking 10-20m underwater
Attica, Greece
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